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The student news site of Parkway South High School. All opinion pieces represent the views of the writer alone, not the school or district.


The student news site of Parkway South High School. All opinion pieces represent the views of the writer alone, not the school or district.


The student news site of Parkway South High School. All opinion pieces represent the views of the writer alone, not the school or district.


Mansa Lyons

Mansa Lyons

What block are you in? 7th

Years on staff? 2

What is your favorite thing to write about? Fun things happening around the school.

What are your hobbies? Playing sports and hanging out with friends.

What is a fun fact about you? I enjoy reading current events.

What is your favorite type of music (genre, artist, song)? Genre-rap. Artist-Future. Song-Surfing a tsunami.

All content by Mansa Lyons
Senior pitcher Parker Wolf gets ready to release the ball in a game last year.

Batter up!

Mansa Lyons, Newspaper Writer
March 10, 2025
Daniels Dominates

Daniels Dominates

Mansa Lyons, Newspaper Writer
December 10, 2024
Joining the Few and the Proud

Joining the Few and the Proud

Mansa Lyons, Newspaper Writer
October 22, 2024
Sporting a colorful shirt to celebrate Hawaiian Day during Spirit Week, new Assistant Principal Max Mittler has a conversation with a freshman student in the counseling loft.

Freshman Warrior

Mansa Lyons, Newspaper Writer
October 3, 2024
On screen or on paper?

On screen or on paper?

Mansa Lyons, Newspaper Writer
March 4, 2024
One South High team that plays private schools is the hockey team.

Unfair Advantage

Mansa Lyons, Convergence Journalism 2 Writer
January 5, 2024
Senior Tiana Paul holds up a fish she caught at the pond in the Glan Tai neighborhood. Paul was on a field study in Mr. Richardson's Zoology class.

Learning outside of the classroom

Mansa Lyons, Newspaper Writer
October 26, 2023
South students who attended Young Life camp this summer pose for a picture.

Young Adventures

Mansa Lyons, News/Features Writer
October 5, 2023
English teacher Anton Ruiz works on writing an email during his planning period. Ruiz was named November's Teacher of the Month

[Photo] Radical Ruiz

Mansa Lyons and Carson Brandt, Convergence Journalism 1 Writers
December 21, 2022
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