Doing it for the ‘Gram

Popular South High Instagram accounts capture funny moments


Screenshot of the @psouth_napz Instagram account.

Next time you fall asleep in class, park wrong or wear something weird, watch out, because you might be the next star in one of South’s trending Instagram pages.

For the past few months South has experienced multiple Instagram accounts filled with pictures from school. The accounts feature topics like students sleeping, bad parking and bad posture. The trending Instagram handles are @psouth_napz, @psouthfits, @psouthbadparking and @psouthbadposture. The account bios state they do not post in a negative way and it is very easy to get a picture taken down. The most popular account is @psouth_napz, with around 740 followers. To get posted on any of the accounts students direct message the account with the picture.

How do students really feel about the accounts? This is what freshman Brynne Smith has to say.

“I don’t have a favorite account because they’re all strange. But I would mind a little if I was posted but at the same time I would not care,” said Smith.

Almost all the accounts say in the bio to direct message them to get any photo taken down.  Students have different opinions on how much they enjoy the accounts. 

“The Instagram accounts were funny at first but then they got boring,” said Smith. 

Madi Geisler, junior, thinks differently.

“Yes they are funny. I really like the sleeping one and the bad parking. The accounts don’t affect me in a negative way or any of my friends,” said Geisler. 

Some photos may be vaguely embarrassing for students, but the accounts aim for laughs and entertainment. 

I would not mind at all being posted. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to have these pages up because, they do say on the account if you want anything taken down they will just take it down. Also, I think the accounts make people laugh and they enjoy seeing their classmates slacking in class,” said Geisler. 

Other accounts have also posted pictures of people’s outfits and pictures of funny filters on people. But the main accounts are bad parking and sleeping. 

“I also really like the bad parking account. Some of the posts show people parking completely in the middle of two spots and parking in the grass. Also, the captions of the post can be really funny,” she said. 

These unique accounts have students’ attention and more new ones continue to pop up. Junior Sydney Buehrer says she enjoys the accounts but to a certain level.

“I think they are funny and make people laugh. But there is a line that can be crossed between funny and offensive, as long as the accounts stay harmless then I will continue to follow them. It is fun to see what new accounts will appear because they are random,” said Buehrer. 

The funny and harmless accounts are getting very popular and Buehrer wonders when they will die out. 

“I hope that they stay popular for a while and still stay entertaining. I love seeing my friends on the napping account,” she said.