Couples Crush COVID

Quarantine, COVID has tested relationships at South High


Seniors Grace Ellington and Noah Decker enjoy a lovely picnic while the sun sets in the background.

Around the globe, almost every single person in the world has been affected in some way by the outbreak of COVID-19. While many of these people have faced tremendous challenges–losing their job, becoming dehabitiltatingly sick, or not being able to touch their face–one demographic has faced even more severe consequences. 

High school couples.

If you thought your livelihood has been deracinated because of the global pandemic, just imagine what these highschoolers, raging with the hormones of teenage love, must be going through when unable to see their partner. 

¨The first month when people were advised to quarantine we couldn’t see each other. That stretch of time was pretty tough but we made it through,¨ said senior Michael Chambers. 

While some couples have gone weeks or months without seeing each other, others have been able to hang out with more regularity. 

¨Thankfully, COVID hasn’t affected my relationship that much. It has only made us more cautious about who we hang out with outside of each other,¨ said senior Lindsey Storey.

Even couples who have been able to hang out in person have been impacted, as many relationships have been forced to change the primary ways they spend time together. 

¨We have definitely taken advantage of the drive-thrus, especially at places like Culvers, and we have spent more time at each other’s houses,¨ said Chambers. 

In addition to day-to-day interactions being changed, couples at South have also missed out on important events such as Prom and Homecoming. 

¨Missing Homecoming and Prom definitely has been sad because there are so many memories we could’ve made at those events,¨ said junior Emma Vlasich.

Missing out on these events has not only been detrimental to couples, but also to the single students at South High still looking for love. Many high school relationships start through Homecoming or Prom, and without these events, the bachelors and bachelorettes of South have been left with fewer opportunities to meet other singles. 

¨COVID has made it impossible to find any sort of love life. I feel very isolated, especially when all my friends are with their girlfriends and I just curl up in my bed and stare at the ceiling because I have nothing better to do,¨ said senior Dane Keller. 

If you are one of these people that have been feeling isolated, Keller offers a few reasons why you might want to get to know him. 

¨I’m 6’2”, a fun and goofy guy with a good sense of humor. I also play basketball and not to toot my own horn but I’m kind of a jack of all trades,¨ said Keller. 

While many have struggled to adapt to the new normal, both the couples and singles of South high have done a more than commendable job. 

¨I think that COVID has really tested people’s relationships, but the relationships that come out of it are going to be stronger and better than ever,¨ said Vlasich.