The Fellowship of Christian Athletes, also known as FCA, is a place for Christians to grow their faith and hang out.
Science teacher Sergey Zinovchik is one of the sponsors of FCA and half of the meetings are in his classroom. The other sponsor is science teacher Justin Flack. Meetings are held before school starts; donuts are usually provided.
“Almost every high school and college has an FCA now,” said Zinovchik. “FCA is a worldwide organization, not just limited to Parkway South.”
The FCA has many student leaders, including freshman Grace Amad. She is heavy involved in the FCA; she runs the Instagram and goes to the weekly meetings
Also attending meetings is junior Isaac Koenig, their head student leader. Koenig makes a huge impact on the FCA, he has many jobs, but his main role is coordinating the team of FCA leaders. Koenig is on the cross country and track teams at South.
“I love being involved with things like this,” said Amad. “It helps me grow in many ways; FCA can help people grow their faith because it has helped me.”
According to Amad FCA is a good place to grow your faith because of how it benefited her.
“It is where athletes go to grow their faith,” said Amad. “We have meetings every other Monday and Wednesday, and we encourage people to join us,” she said. Amad is on the cheerleading team and she will play soccer this spring.
According to Amad people don’t understand how old the FCA organization really is. The national FCA organization was founded in 1954.
“Parkway South FCA is trying to heavily expand and get more people to come to our meetings in the future,” said Amad. “the program was founded a while ago, and we want to raise awareness for it at Parkway South.”
According to Koenig, a frequently-asked question is what are the qualifications to join the FCA.
“Anyone can join as long as you have faith. You don’t necessarily need to be an athlete to join,” he said.“The FCA is open to all students of Parkway South, so anyone who wants to join is welcome.”