Need for speed
Boys and girls track teams kick off their season.
Sophomore distance runner Nathaniel Kim streaks down the track at a recent meet. Photo by Nick Winzen.
Boys and Girl track season is underway at South High. After school you find many of the athletes running, jumping, and throwing to prepare for their next meet. After the boys showed up and won the Parkway Quad these athletes are ready for more, according to coach Joe Rosewell.
Rosewell has been coaching since 1997 and said he is very excited about this year and thinks it could be special.
“Even though it is a team concept it is still based on the individual so I can help them get better,” Rosewell said. “The team is very well balanced and we have guys to compete in all events.”
Freshman Cole Drinkard’s events are the 1 mile, 2 mile, and the 4×800 relay. He is excited to keep running after doing cross country in the fall.
“I run track to continue on my running journey in high school and to make me a better runner in cross country,” said Drinkard.
Drinkard said he is pushing himself this season with some big goals.
“A goal of mine for this season is to run a sub 5:40 mile this season,” he said.
Sophomore Nathaniel Kim said he feels prepared and is excited about this season.
“Over the fall I played soccer and I also stayed ready by running in the winter,” he said.
Kim competes in multiple events including the 400-meter and the triple jump.
“My favorite event is the 400-meter,” he said. “My goal for this season is to run the 400 meter in under 52 seconds.”
Kim said there’s more to track than just competing.
“I have met a lot of new people and made new friends that I wouldn’t have met if I wasn’t running track. When I’m not running I also like being able to watch my friends compete in their events,” he said.
Even though Kim is only a sophomore he has still had big moments throughout his two years.
“My favorite memory was coming in 1st place at the Parkway Quad and South winning the Quad and PR to help us win,” he said.
The Parkway Quad is just the beginning for the track season and senior Lena Singleton is excited for her last season at South. Singleton finished first at the Parkway Quad in the 1600-meter event. Over her four years, she has made many memories running track at South.
“My favorite memory was the Vicki Lynn Reeves meet and running the mile, 2 mile, and the 4 by 800-meter and getting 1st in 4 by 8,” she said. Singleton will be going to Missouri State to run in the fall. Everyone has had their favorite memories during the track seasons but all hope to make new memories.
“A goal of mine would hopefully be being able to go to state,” Kim said.

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