Behind the scenes of South High bands
The band NineVolt puts on a concert at Ballwin Sno-Cone.
“I don’t know what I enjoy more, the music or the attractive members,” said junior Rylie Nolan about the band Okay Violet.
Whatever grade you’re in, you’ve heard about some of the bands at South. From Guilty Pleasures to more creative and alternative sounds like NineVolt and The Lemons, they all have a story to tell.
The Orignal Guilty Pleasures vocalist has recently been replaced, and it’s definitely affecting the band, according to junior Ryan Litteken, who plays bass for the band.
“We got a new singer, Zach Rehagen, and he’s been in the band since January,” said Litteken. “I’d rather not mention the original guy’s name for privacy reasons, but Zach is so awesome. The adjustment was kind of weird at first, but it wasn’t that difficult because our old singer was not good and not motivated. It was just annoying because we never really practiced. The new guy was so much better so it was actually kind of easy.”
Even with the hiccups, Guilty Pleasures has still played for many fans.
“We played at the Grub and Groove for like 15,000 people. That was probably my favorite show,” said Littleken.
But festivals aren’t the only thing up their sleeve.
“We’re recording an album right now and hopefully it’s gonna help us take off. I’d like the album to be successful and then hopefully tour,” said Littleken
However, Guilty Pleasures does have its detractors, like sophomore Zsofia Clayton.
”I just don’t like it. It’s not my type of rock at all. I like the Lemons and Ninevolt a lot better. They’re so much more my style,” said Clayton.
Many of these groups have been dealing with management lately. Members of the band, Okay Violent, recently left to start their own side project, Junk Drawer.
“I love music and my band,” said junior Athena Miransky. “But our drummer, PJ Mrayley, got a new internship and didn’t have time for the band, so my friend Ava Halkey and I ended up splitting off and starting our own.”
Litteken said his band, Guilty Pleasures, has also undergone a lot of changes for the better recently.
“My whole life has changed since being in a band. It’s hard to explain. Since we got our new singer my whole life has changed, because now we practice all the time. I’ve definitely become a lot better at playing bass too,” he said.
The kids at South deeply express their love for the music.
“It’s just so fun playing music for people,” said Miransky.
Junior Adam Azim is a fan of the Lemons.
“The Lemons rock. The Lemons are sick,” Azim said.
However, Clayton says she prefers Ninevolt.
“I really love the Ninevolt shows. I went to the Halloween and Backyard show, and I thought it was so cool. It was so fun how my friends and I got to vibe to the same kind of music. It’s a good social thing to look forward to,” said Clayton.

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