Painting Palooza…or not?

Very few seniors participated in parking spot painting this school year

Audrey Goodyear

Senior Caroline Knolhoff uses white paint to paint a basecoat on her parking spot before painting her design. Knolhoff was one of only 4 seniors who chose to paint their parking spot.

The second annual Painting Palooza, where seniors are able to paint their assigned parking spot, took place in late September this year. Seniors who chose to participate in this activity had to pay $25 and submit their designs to senior principal Lindsey Perkins for approval. 

However, very few students chose to participate in this activity, which was created for seniors to have something unique to do, due to many factors. 

Senior Brady Lombardo said he didn’t think the event was advertised enough.

“It was not advertised enough because I only found out about it through my friend’s Snapchat story,” he said. 

The Painting Palooza forms were available for pick-up in the school store and there was a brief email sent out to the seniors with parking passes from Perkins. This activity is offered to seniors at many schools throughout the U.S. and was a great hit at South’s neighboring school, West High. 

According to a student at West, they were able to paint their entire parking spot and their painting day was in August before school started. They charged $35, but a white base coat was provided to them. In addition, they had over 70 students participate in their parking spot painting. 

In contrast, here at South there were only 4 students who decided to paint their parking spots. 

Senior Quinn Warmbrodt was one of the four students who participated., 

“I wish more people did it because it would make the parking lot look more fun,” she said. 

Not only did very few seniors participate in the painting of parking spots at South, but those who did were a little upset by the preparation done for their spots. On the packet provided, it stated that for the price of $25, those who chose to participate in painting their spots would have their spot painted white for them to give them a base coat. However, they did not do this, but instead only outlined the area where the paint was allowed in white spray paint. 

Although the spots that were painted turned out to be good, those who did paint questioned if it was even worth it. 

“I don’t think it was worth $25 because they did not paint the white base like they were supposed to. Also, my paint ended up costing $70, so it was a very expensive activity,” senior Teagan Lukefahr said.  

The students who did participate in the painting did seem upset that the white base coat was not painted, but still painted their spot regardless and they turned out great. Some went with elaborate paint designs, while others, such as Lukefahr, did more simple designs such as a Monopoly spot or a spot that simply states “Carol Parks Here.” 

Despite all of the concerns about lack of people doing it, one senior who participated would like to encourage more people to do it next year. 

“It was a fun bonding experience with my friend Audrey, but I think more people should do it and they can make it a class bonding experience. If a lot of people paint their parking spots together it could be a really fun senior activity,” senior Caroline Knolhoff said. 

Due to the low participation this year, some students questioned if they were going to keep the activity around at South. The money raised from the payments made to paint spots goes toward the senior class after-graduation party and could really help if more people did it. 

“In order to get more people involved in this activity they should make sure they paint a base coat and allow for multiple painting days. They should advertise it as a senior class get-together and have it on a Saturday, before the school year begins, and have music and possibly even snacks!” Warmbrodt said.