Illustration creations
Artists at South talk about their creative process.
Junior Kayla Jenks holds up one of the drawings she’s made recently.
Parkway South High School is a diverse place, with all kinds of different people. Specifically, the artists at South stand out. These creative people have been working their whole lives (literally) to perfect their art skills.
Senior Abby Nguyen is recognized at South for her paintings. They’ve been displayed way more than once in the art displays around school. Nguyen said she mostly works with Watercolor, explaining that, “I feel like I have the most control with it.”
Jacob Stapp, senior, feels differently, saying that his least favorite medium is watercolor. Stapp instead prefers digital, mostly because you have, “more colors at your disposal.”
Regardless of medium, these artists still create very detailed and high-quality art. Junior Kayla Jenks said she enjoys drawing birds and describes her style as “Silly, goofy, cartoony, and cute.” She usually gets her work done during class, or at about 1 a.m.
“There’s really not that much of an in-between,” she said.
Sophomore Joselyn Kulka also makes art that is more illustrative than realism, crediting Picasso’s “blue period” as an inspiration. They enjoy watercolor or colored pencils the most, saying that, “it really amplifies the piece.”
Not only can art be a form of expression, but it can also create memories. Art takes Kulka back to eighth grade, not so long ago. Kulka said the abstract pieces they created back then are some of Kulka’s favorites.
Jenks doesn’t have a favorite piece, but her favorite medium to work with is pen, and she usually works on a small scale such as a Post-it note or a small corner of her notes.
The art that Jenks makes is used as a stress reliever, taking a moment away from whatever she’s doing to whip up a tiny cute bird, or something of that nature.
. Nguyen’s favorite piece is one titled ‘Unhelping Hands’, a painting made using watercolor, acrylic paint, and gouache. Just by looking at it, you can tell the piece has a lot of meaning.
Nguyen even says that she finds art helpful for “exploring other forms of communicating.”
Stapp says something similar.
“[Art] is the best way for me to express myself,” he said.
South understands where these artists are coming from and has a lot of art classes where any student can learn.
AP Studio was an art class praised by Nguyen and Stapp for the freedom it gives to artists. Figure and Portrait, taught by Eric Ludlow, was a close second, which Kulka and Nguyen also said they enjoyed.
Just like any other classes, these art classes prepare young artists for continuing with art later in life, and these artists at South all have their own inspirations. As for Stapp, he’s inspired by Juanjo Guarnido, a Spanish illustrator.
Just like Stapp has inspirations, there are newer artists out there who might have been inspired to create art recently too. To aspiring artists; Nguyen says, “It’s okay to take inspiration from other artists,” and, “Don’t be afraid to try new styles.”
Want to buy art from any of these artists? Commission them!
Abby Nguyen: @a.nguyenart on instagram
Joselyn Kulka: [email protected]
Kayla Jenks: [email protected]