1990 South graduate Dane Eckelman
Dane Eckelman (’90)-Paranormal Investigator
Q: How do you catch ghosts, what kind of equipment do you use?
A: There is no way to catch a ghost. But you can document and communicate with them. We use Infrared DVR camera systems and camcorders. EMF detectors like a Mel Meter and K2 Meter. I have an SLS Camera. Digital voice recorders. REMPods and a Paranormal Music Box.
Q: Is there anything you learned at Parkway South that you still use today?
A: Absolutely. I use math all the time.
Q: When did you start believing in ghosts?
A: I’m not sure. I guess I have always believed. I really became interested in researching it when Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures came out on TV.
Q: Do people ever call you crazy or try to discredit your work?
A: Yes they have. Not so much discrediting but certainly not believing.
Q: Does it bother you when people call you crazy, and what do you have to say to those people?
A: No it does not. I actually think it’s kind of funny. I don’t try to convince anyone. If someone is genuinely interested I will engage them. I have a lot of videos and recordings I believe are Paranormal and I love to show them to people. But I don’t waste time trying to convince anyone.
Q: Do you have another job?
A: Yes I do. I work at Trane as a Controls Technician. I set up building automation systems for commercial HVAC applications. I am actually working on a project at South High right now. We do not make money doing investigations. But we do go places and investigate for fun as well as help homeowners deal with haunting.
Q: What’s the most haunted place you have ever visited, or the most paranormal experience you’ve encountered?
A: The most famous place I have been is Waverly Hills Sanatorium in Louisville, Kentucky. We are actually going back there in a couple of weeks. That’s the only place I have ever seen a full-bodied apparition. That is when you see a full person including features and they are not alive. Once he saw us he walked across the room and through a wall. The most active investigation we had was a residential case involving two deceased relatives of the homeowner. They were desperately trying to reach out with a message. Once we got the message and gave it to the homeowner the spirits moved on.
Q: Are all ghosts evil?
A: No. Spirits are just people that have no body. It’s the same energy you have when you are living. There are angry and evil spirits just like in real life but there are also gentle, loving and playful spirits too.
Q: You much do you charge?
A: We do not charge for our services. I feel since I cannot guarantee anything I should not charge people to help them. We have accepted donations a few times but we have never asked anyone for money.
Q: What’s your favorite ghost movie?
A: The Amityville Horror.
Q: Who was your favorite teacher at Parkway South?
A: Mr. Nagle. He was the art teacher and he was hilarious.
Q: What’s your favorite memory of Parkway South?
A: Hanging out in the smoking lounge. I am really showing my age with this answer. We had an area outside the Commons that we could smoke cigarettes in between classes and lunch.
Q: What scared you the most of all of your experiences with ghosts?
A: One time my wife was attacked by a spirit. We found out later she is a medium. That is someone who can communicate with spirits. We were new at this and she got jumped and lost control of herself. I didn’t know what to do but fortunately, we were with some who did.
Q: Do you think that there are ghosts at Parkway South?
A: I would almost guarantee it. Spirits are everywhere.
Q: Is there anything else you would like to tell us?
A: Paranormal is interesting but it shouldn’t be taken lightly. It can be dangerous at times. Never go alone and make sure you do some research on protecting yourself. And also don’t do anything in a high school that could potentially have a negative consequence on the rest of your life. Once you have been out of high school a while no one remembers who was cool and who wasn’t. Follow your heart and do what’s right for you. I cannot stress this enough. Thank you for your interest in what we do.