Rachel Saltzman--class of 2011

Rachel Saltzman (’11)-Pharmacist

Q: Do you regret not going to a big school/ university with more people from your graduating class?

A: While I had considered going to Kansas University for most of my high school career, when I got accepted to St. Louis College of Pharmacy, I knew I was going to have no problem succeeding in becoming a pharmacist! I would do all over again; I had tons of help from my peers and professors since we were all working to achieve the same degree.

Q: What was your favorite class when you attended South High?

A: I loved Yearbook! Even when I was in elementary and middle school, I always loved receiving the yearbook at the end of the year and flipping through the pages. I was so excited to have contributed to it during my high school years, especially as one of the editors-in-chief my senior year! 

Q: What class was the most useful to you after graduating high school?

A: Anatomy and Medical Science. 

Q: Do you enjoy what you are doing now?

A: I love getting to know my patients and answering their questions or providing them with pharmaceutical information. I spend a lot of time calling doctors offices and making sure their medications are appropriate and aren’t undergoing duplicate therapy. I really feel like I’m making an impact on my community. 

Q: Who were your top three favorite teachers?

A: Mr. Brady, of course; Mr. Degitz; Mr. Smith.

Q: What are some challenges you faced getting to where you are today?

A: Finding a job after college! The pharmacy market has become extremely saturated (especially in STL). I had to move to southern Illinois for my first job after graduating but have thankfully found a position in Rolla, Missouri since then. I do hope I can find my way back to STL eventually!  

Q: Do you still talk to any of your high school friends?

A: A few, but I made most of my lasting friendships from college! 

Q: Were you in any clubs at South High?

A: National Honor Society 

Q: Did you play any sports?

A: No

Q: What was it like moving to a small town?

A: It’s not really “me,” I miss the suburbs! 

Q: What was your favorite thing about being a Patriot?

A: We had lots of spirit! 

Q: What are the pros and cons of being a pharmacist?

A: It’s always amazing when patients recognize you for your hard work and dedication when making sure they’re receiving safe and appropriate medications. However, some people don’t know what all goes into processing a prescription and can become easily impatient with how long it may take. 

Q: Mr. Brady tells us you wanted to be a pharmacist since you were little. What advice do you have for South students who have dreams?

A: Don’t let anyone or anything discourage you from your dreams. There will be times when things get stressful or you feel like you want to quit or give up, but every day is one more day closer to your dream and one less day away from where you started. Take one day at a time and embrace this time in your life because it’ll all be over before you know it! 

Q: Is there anything you would like to add?

A: Honorable mention to Mr. Lappin, I wouldn’t be where I am without his help my entire high school career. Utilize your counselors, they are there to help you achieve your dreams! 


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