Kevin Bateman–class of 2006

Kevin Bateman (’06)–Flight Attendant

Q: What is the coolest part about being a flight attendant? 

A: “The coolest part about being a flight attendant is being able to travel the world and see so much culture and life.” 

Q: What is your schedule like?

A: “My schedule can be crazy, some months I am on reserve so I am on call to the company and not even know if or when I will work. It makes it exciting yet sometimes can be stressful because you may not know.” 

Q: Have you had any scary moments while working?

A: “Turbulence always is something scary especially for people who don’t fly frequently. Now I think it’s fun haha! I have also had some medical emergencies too.” 

Q: How long have you been a flight attendant?

A: “I have been flying for 2 years.” 

Q: Where is the coolest place you’ve traveled to while working?

A: “I can’t narrow it down to just 1 but I would say Amsterdam, Prague, Lisbon, Barcelona, and Rome.”

Q: What are the perks of being a flight attendant?

A: “The perks, of course, are being able to travel when not working too and seeing so much of the world for free. Also meeting new people every day!” 

Q: Do you have a funny stories?

A: “One time my alarm clock was still set on east coast time where I am based (Philadelphia). When it went off I panicked thinking I was late cause I snoozed it a couple of times I rushed to get dressed and packed back up went to the lobby only to realize it was 3 hours behind! So I was super early!” 

Q: How long do you think you will be a flight attendant? 

A: “Honestly I will do it forever! It’s the greatest career ever!”

Q: What is your favorite memory from South? 

A: “I loved P. SOUTH for many reasons! The teachers and faculty are amazing! I grew many friendships there and it prepared my education for the future!” 

Q: How often do you fly? 

A: “I am what they call a high time flier so I am only usually home in Philadelphia for about 5 days a month.”

Q: What steps did you take to become a flight attendant?

A: “I worked in finance before this and was super successful. I hated my job though because it was super stressful! I had a friend who told me to apply and it took about 1 year to get the job but I got it and I would never turn back!” 

Q: Did any classes at South impact your career? 

A: “I would say many classes helped me. I specifically remember my favorite teacher Andi Brown during my senior year. One of the papers we had to write and present was about something very personal to each of us. I feel like I saw so many people in the class in different ways that it really opened my mind up to never judge a book by its cover. We all have a story and we all have things in our life who make us who we are. I really think about that with passengers when they are on my airplane.”

Q: What advice do you know for anyone who wants to go down a similar path?

A: “It’s not rocket science! Love people, love life, and be your true self always no matter what you do!” 

Q: Do you have anything else to add?

A: “Take each day you are in high school and have fun, study hard, don’t take it for granted because life is so precious and also so quick! It doesn’t even seem like it’s been as long as it has since I’ve been out of school.” 

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