New bell schedule?
District is requiring all Parkway high schools to have same schedule by ’21-’22 school year.
Juniors Vaishnavi Pinni, Erica Ryterski, Ava Rinklin and Natalie Copp enjoy first lunch.
A change of pace can be good…right? Students and staff at Parkway South High school may disagree.
A possible change in Parkway South’s schedule is underway, in order to create a synchronized schedule between the high schools.
Counselor Rob Lappin explains.
“The push [for a schedule change] has come from district platforms. We want all students to have equal opportunities for classes,” he said.
Currently, Parkway South and Parkway North follow the same block schedule; these students have the same four classes every other day. Parkway West follows a hybrid schedule, this means students have more of a personal schedule. Some students decide not to have an ac. lab, while others are required to attend one. Parkway Central has a unique schedule as well. Every Monday, these students have seven, 50-minute classes, the rest of the week, students operate off a block schedule. The need for a change comes from the wide variety of schedules the high schools have.
Students are beginning to wonder what will change; many believe ac. lab will be the first to go. Much like a free period, ac. lab allows students to get help from teachers, and ask them questions about homework or assignments.
What’s the problem with this? Well, junior Paige Patterson says, “students will use this time to chat with friends, and take advantage of the given time.”
While this is true, many students like, sophomore Samara White properly use ac. lab to receive help.
“I like our current schedule because ac. lab allows me to get my stuff done, if the school got rid of ac. lab, I would definitely procrastinate,” White said.
For the students who use ac. lab, this change would have a large impact on their academics. While a number of students use their ac. lab properly, many students like sophomore Ben Forsythe do the opposite.
“If I’m being honest, I don’t always properly use my ac. lab because I get my homework done at home,” Forsythe said.
While many students express this fear of losing ac. lab, Lappin said it’s not a guarantee that this will happen.
“The high schools believe ac. lab is very valuable. As of now, we believe some sort of ac. lab will remain,” he said.
These same students were asked about a possible change in the number of classes each school day. Currently, Parkway South students attend four classes a day for 90 minutes. Students have the same classes every other day.
One possible change could make the high school schedules have 7 classes every day.
Junior Luke Smith said he thought shorter class periods might be a good idea.
“One complaint about our current schedule is that they classes get too long, and it gets hard to focus,” Smith said.
While this is true, many students fear that the amount of homework they have each night would double.
“I would be very concerned if this change occurred; I would be very overwhelmed,” Forsythe said.
These changes have positive and negative aspects. It is not certain when this schedule change will come into effect, or what it will bring, however, it is expected in the next two years.