So Long, South!
Jauss and Simon retire from teaching after a combined 63 years of teaching.
Retiring teachers Julie Jauss and Edwin Simon enjoy the Renaissance Assembly in their rocking chairs after being honored for their “graduation.”
As the year come to a close for many students here at South High, it also comes the close of some teachers’ careers here at South.
This year South has two retiring teachers, science teacher Julie Jauss and orchestra teacher Edwin Simon. Jauss has been a teacher for the past 29 years, all the way back to 1990 when she started at South High. Simon has been a teacher for the past 34 years, 11 of that in Rockwood and the last 23 years at South High. Jauss teaches science, primarily Biology 1,2, and 3. For Jauss, Biology is her favorite subject she has taught.
“Out of all the Chemistry and Physical Sciences classes I’ve taught back when Physical Science was still a class. My love is to educate students about Biology,” said Jauss.
Simon currently teaches Orchestra, Beginning Piano and in the past has taught Music Appreciation classes. For him he says his favorite class is Orchestra because he is a conductor and violinist. Simon is a violinist for the St. Louis Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also played with famous artists like Rod Stewart and Josh Groban.
Simon and Jauss also added what their favorite part of South has been.
“My favorite part of South would have to be the staff here, the very generous students, and it’s a very friendly place,” he said.
Jauss had a very similar attitude about what she liked about South.
“I love my co-workers in the science department because they are very supportive and reach out to students,” said Jauss.
Sophomore Savannah Quick has Jauss for a teacher this year in Biology 3.
“I feel Mrs. Jauss is a loving, kind, and all around funny person that loves to interact with students. She brings a kind of joy in the room that a lot of teachers can’t do. I am going to miss her a lot when she leaves,” said Quick.
Sophomore Natalie Copp has Simon as her Beginning Piano teacher.
“Mr. Simon is a very flexible teacher who is accommodating all of his students needs. He is also very good at teaching many aspects of music,” said Copp.
Jauss detailed her plans for retirement.
“Spend time with my mom and family, making sure daughter is getting ready for her freshman year and not planning to be a substitute teacher. Also to spend time with my husband who I met at South back in the late 90s and who I taught with until last year,” said Jauss.
For Simon he also has plans for after retirement.
“I plan to do woodworking/ home improvement which is a hobby of mine, to have more time to play my violin, and to go cycling,” he said.
But after all the years these teachers have dedicated to educating our students to make them capable, curious, confident, and caring, these were their last words.
“Nothing beats hard work with whatever profession you have if you want to be successful you must work hard,” said Simon.
For Jauss she left us with, “always strive to make a positive connection with others, for me I believe its to remember the teachers impact not only the subject,” said Jauss.