
Jewel Zingrich

Mrs. Olive

Mrs. Olive (class of 1971)

How would a guy have asked you out?

“He would’ve called me usually but maybe asked me in person.”

Would a guy come to your door to pick you up?

“The decent guys yes, they would come to your door and usually one of your parents would answer and come get you. They would shake hands with your mom and dad  while ‘shaking in their boots.’”

Would a guy open your car door/ walk you to the door?

“Yes, always!”

Did he plan a date ahead a time?

“Yes, he would plan something nice!”

What were classic dates like?

“You could go out to eat, to the movie theater, to a football/basketball game and then the party after. If you were going steady with somebody then you would often go to the drive-in.”

How would you meet guys?

“Mostly in your own high school or you meet people through other people introducing you.”

When you went out on a date, what etiquette did you expect?

-talk to my parents

-walk me back to the door at the end of the date

-don’t honk in the driveway

-open the car door

-pull my chair out

-kiss at the door but no making out or sloppy stuff

When would he have met your parents?

“First date, always!”

Who paid?

“On first dates the guy would always pay but if you were going ‘steady’ than I would pay sometimes.”

How many dates until the first kiss?

“2nd or 3rd date.”

What was Valentine’s Day like?

“The guy would bring chocolate, flowers or a big teddy bear to school and give it to you ‘with no shame’.”

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