Nora Lackey
Nora Lackey (class of 2019)
How would a guy have asked you out?
“‘Wanna hang out sometime’ they would ask you over text or sometimes in person.”
Would a guy come to your door to pick you up?
“No, a guy has never came to my door.”
Would a guy open your car door/ walk you to the door?
“A few guys have but it’s not the norm.”
Did he plan a date ahead a time?
“No, the guys typically ask me what I want to do when I get into the car.”
What are dates like?
-Netflix and chill
-Food dates (Cane’s)
-Movie dates
How do you meet guys?
“Through other friends, at parties, or sometimes from social media or dating apps.”
When you go out on a date, what etiquette do you expect?
-To be nice
-To drive
-Maybe pay for the food
-Not be on their phone during the date
-Make time for the date not rush it/ say they have other places to be
When would he have met your parents?
“7th date.”
Who paid?
“Sometimes a guy would pay on the first date, but usually we pay for ourselves.”
How many dates until the first kiss?
“Most guys expect it on the first date.”
What is Valentine’s Day like?
“Go get food, go on a small little date, maybe exchange presents but ‘nothing big.'”