Junior Dominic Gong
Dom Gong (class of 2019)
How would you ask a girl out on a date?
“You would text her and ask her to hangout or ask in person sometimes.”
How would you pick a girl up for a date?
“You would drive over to get her, if her parents were at the door you would get out and talk to them but if they’re not you wait for her in the car.”
How do you meet girls?
“Parties and school mostly but sometimes on social media.”
When do you meet a girls’ parents?
“The first time you go to her house to hang out, which is usually like the 2nd or 3rd time you guys hang out.”
Who planned the dates?
“It honestly depends, but I’d say the guy does.”
What dates would you take a girl on?
“Ice skating (if it’s winter), Castlewood, going to get food, bowling.”
Who pays?
“The guy the first time, but then from there you pay for yourselves.”
What’s date etiquette like?
- Dress casual, but dressy
- Pick the girl up
- Be polite, show manners
- Stay off your phone
- Keep conversation interesting, don’t talk about yourself or your ex too much.
What would your first “move” be?
“Walk her to her house after the first date.”
What’s Valentine’s Day like?
“Go on a date and get each other gifts really just be sure to spend time together.”