Kindness Week begins Nov. 13
Students show their messy hands after chalking the parking lot during last year’s Kindness Week.
Get ready to be kind because next week is Kindness Week, hosted by history teacher Drew Jennings’ Sociology class.
Jennings said this will be the second year for the event.
“A kid from last year thought of the idea and I decided to do it again this year for the Sociology class’ service project,” said Jennings.
Sociology student Bri Whitener said she really liked the idea.
“Jennings decided to present the idea of Kindness Week to us,” Whitener said. “We all wanted to do it because it is for a good cause and makes people happy.”
Whitener also talked about the different events going on for Kindness Week.
“Students will copy kind notes by writing nice things and we will pass pins that say ‘be kind’,” said Whitener. “Parking spots will be chalked with kind notes and the bathrooms will have nice sayings like ‘hey good-lookin.’ Also, Friday will be Flannel Friday,” Whitener said.
Whitener also said students will be encouraged to write kind notes to their teachers during the week.
“It is important to be kind because sometimes in high school people can be mean and to make someone’s day,” said Whitener.
Jennings said that he hopes Kindness Week will give students relief from being tough and cool all of the time.
“I hope kids will smile and feel good about themselves for a day or the week,” Whitener said.