Billings has left the building!
After working for 47 years, Billings retired on Wednesday.
Cindy is hard at work on her last day at South.
She’s the one everyone knows. The first face you see after your mom has dragged you out of bed!
Who are we talking about? Of course, we are talking about secretary Cindy Billings. Wednesday, Sept. 13 was Billings’ last day after working for 47 years.
Billings said she has many favorite memories from working at South, but one stands out in particular.
“One morning, I received a phone call from a ‘mother’ explaining her son had flaming diarrhea. Turns out it was the son posing as his mother,” she said.
Students also have fond memories of Billings.
“She helped me look for my glasses after someone had stolen them for a half hour,” said junior, Grace Donovan.
Billings says that she will always remember releasing the latest class of seniors, because it was her last class to experience graduation.
Senior Kelsey Evans said she will also miss Billings.
“I am so sad that she is leaving! She was always so kindhearted and patient with everyone,” she said.
Junior Clara Franz said she is extremely grateful for Billings.
“When I left my cheer uniform in a gym locker over the summer, she kept it for me,” she said.