Sign me up for a new library

For the 2016-2017 school year the library is trying to cut back on noise and clutter by adding a signup procedure for lunch. Due to noise and space concerns the library added a signup sheet to cut back on the 70+ students added by lunch. A regular class can be anywhere from 12-60 students depending on how big each class is, and 70+ students coming in from lunch. Now if students want to use the library they must be signed up before 9:12 or the start of 3rd or 4th block. I feel this was a smart choice to improve the library. The library, by definition, is a quiet place and in order to keep it that way some sacrifice is needed for students to work and study instead of socializing with other loud students. The lunch sign up is an easy solution to a common problem in the library.

This may cause some inconvenience for students who did not finish a project or are late to school but that is a small price to pay for this positive change.

The library is a venue of knowledge and its student environment must reflect that. Several teachers have had reports of running and unruly noise. This new procedure is a change that can help keep the same advantages that a first or eight block class has by lowering the amount of students from lunch. This is an attempt to contain the sound by limiting the number of students coming from lunch. This switch also helps to keep the library cleaner. There is no food being trapped around the library for others to clean up, and there are no plastic bottles left all over the library. If students need a quiet place and they did not or could not sign up for the library then a teacher might be willing to let students use their room with permission or the student can ask to go up to the office after eating. Lunchroom chatter should stay in the lunchroom, there is no reason to bring the commotion anywhere else than the tables of the cafeteria. When students go to the library we should remember to be quiet and respectful to other staff and students. The library should not contain students who just want to play games or joke around. If the sign up sheet is respected and used properly the library sign up policy will help the Parkway South library return to a quiet place to do work. The library is a tool for learning and should not be abused or bombarded with hoards of students daily.

This sign up sheet is a good change for the school to help maintain the learning environment. It helps students who need to work in the library during class and the students who truly need that space to work during lunch.