Valentine’s Day at White Castle

March 30, 2016

Not many think of greasy cheeseburgers and ketchup drenched french fries as a romantic meal on Valentine’s Day. However there are a select few couples that enjoy this type of dining on this special day. Every Valentine’s Day the fast food restaurant White Castle puts on a romantic dinner for lovers to enjoy. That’s right, the local grease joint turns into a fine dining restaurant for one day a year. The White Castle Company sets aside four hundred restaurants to participate in this event. Four hundred restaurants in fourteen states, this is certainly a big deal. According to White Castle they had at least thirty-five thousand customers celebrate Valentine’s Day at their restaurants. That is an enormous amount of people and its surprising not many people know about this event. It seems like White Castle and its Valentine’s Day customers look at this day as a, “best kept secret.”

      I did not get the chance to attend a White Castle meal on Valentine’s Day but from the various articles and Tweets I’ve read, it must’ve been a great time. On social media there are hundreds of Tweets about it. I saw pictures of couples, friends and even parties enjoying this day together. On a few articles there were reports of people getting married inside the White Castle. Next year I will surely be on the lookout for when you can start reserving tables because I really want to attend.

      White Castle has been a Saint Louis legend for a long time. As the franchise started in 1921 and then turned into a chain of restaurants, it has become well known for some of the best burgers around. They are mainly located in the Midwest but also have stores located frequently on the east coast. From all over the United States there are White Castle lovers. What is it that sets White Castle aside from the regular burger? Some may say that it is the small sized burgers referred to sliders, or other may say that it is the cheesy bacon fries that go along with any meal. Whatever you like about White Castle, you can really tell it is a better restaurant than other fast food places. White Castle is famous for the Crave Case. The Crave Case is a case full of burgers. The case is similar to a briefcase and can hold thirty burgers. Every family party or gathering we have someone always brings one of these. They are enough for everyone to enjoy but still easy to manage and transport.

      White Castle has many other foods besides burgers. They also have some delicious cheese fries, chicken rings, and they also have a soda machine that carries over one hundred different flavors of soda. The soda machine alone is one of the reasons I go to White Castle. You can tell this restaurant franchise is focused on the classic ideas of burger making and castle design but they also apply modern technology in the form of this soda machine. In contrast to the soda machines modernity, White Castle has always been based of classic ideas. The philosophy of White Castle is to make the best tasting burger and everything will go as planned. This company has been around for nearly one hundred years and hasn’t stopped growing since. This tells you that the consistency to please customers and to make the best burger has always been a priority for White Castle. Having that type of satisfaction allows customers to be positive minded before eating at the White Castle.

      White Castle is not known for being the cleanest restaurant, in my opinion that is. Every time I got a local White Castle there are napkins on the floor or flies flying around. Before you burn White Castle to the ground for these type of mistakes I have to say that’s what I expect going to White Castle. I am not expecting a gourmet meal by any means. If you are a person who can’t get over that fact that White Castle isn’t spotless then I don’t think you should be eating there anyway. White Castle customers are loyal people who can look past the imperfections to see the true dignity White Castle has. If you don’t see that White Castle is based off tradition and keeping people then we don’t want you eating there and disturbing the peace.

      Finally, White Castle is a great restaurant that can only be loved by people who truly care about tradition and the love for one another. White Castle takes care of its customers and in return the customers take care of White Castle. With a relationship like that it’s not hard to see White Castle fading from the glory it deserves. If you ever want a delicious burger with friendly people then don’t be scared to stop in White Castle and try it out for yourself. If you like it enough to come back then maybe try to schedule a fancy dinner date on Valentine’s Day and you will be even more amazed.

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