Seniors Tyler Guiney and Logan Carlton introduce the next game to the audience during their last show, "Everybody Hates Bryan."
This year’s Factory Reset show, Everybody Hates Bryan, was a hit, with a packed theater, and some really funny students taking the stage.
Freshman Jackson Sawyer said he was feeling all sorts of emotions before going on stage for the show. He said they were a mix of a mix of nervous, excited, scared, and extremely unoptimistic. As it turns out, I think the show went incredibly well.
As a viewer, my favorite parts of the show were the Dating Game, Replay”, and “Joke Around.”
The “Dating Game” was a game where the audience chooses characters for four players, while one other player tries to guess who they are, and try to find out who to take on a date. “Replay” is a game where the audience gives a setting that stays constant for 3 rounds. The catch is that each round has a different theme. Finally, “Joke Around” is the classic improv game, “Whose Line Is It Anyway?” There is a situation given to players, and they have to think of a joke on the spot.
There were plenty of other great games, but during these especially, I couldn’t hold in my laughter.
Now, why should people care about improv? Mrs. Forrest-James, the all-things-theater teacher at South explains.
“It’s different. You aren’t defined by one specific character, and you get to create in the moment. That’s why it’s exciting, it’s different,” she said.
Factory Reset has been at South High for 5 years now, but improv is not new to South High. Before Factory Reset, there was a different team, called Five Finger Discount, or better known as 5fd. English teacher at South High, Whitney Wilhelm recalls what 5fd was like.
“When I was in high school, they started it. A lot of my friends did it, including my now husband. I remember them having such a great time,” she said.
Lukas Martello, a senior who’s been on the improv team all 4 years at South, says that “If you aren’t interested in theater it doesn’t matter. Improv is a great life skill in general because it teaches you thinking on the fly.”
Martello also said something else about Improv.
“Improv (is) funny, and it’s very fun to participate in as well, so it’s a great experience,” he said.
Sawyer joined the improv team second semester after watching Factory Reset’s first semester show. He was already in Forrest-James’ Comedy in Action Class and loved the theater department at South.
“Improv makes me feel happy and energetic. The closest thing I can compare it to is doing a flip: it’s fun, people who see it have fun, and even if it goes really wrong, there will still be a fun story to tell,” he said.
In total, there are three seniors leaving the improv team:Martello, Logan Carlton, and Tyler Guiney. These seniors share a close bond because of the improv team.
Carlton’s favorite games are with her fellow seniors.
“We’re so close and it’s really fun. I can say things I normally say to them, and it’s funny how it turns out that way,” she said.
Now for the most important part of improv–the audience. The theater room was packed, with suggestions coming from people of all ages, and of all parts of the theater.
Carlton said she feeds off the audience’s energy.
“The audience adds the energy, and gives confidence, makes the players feel good to make more good jokes. You’re more likely to do better when you have a reactive audience,” Carlton said.
Martello agreed.
“Players are like dementors, we suck energy out of the audience to feel good about ourselves,” he said.
If you are interested in joining the improv team, or any other theater program next year, look for the google classroom code outside of room 1101. Audition dates for next year’s team are Oct 20-21 from 2:30-4:30 p.m.
Before the Factory reset show, I had never gone to anything improv related before. I had never even watched Whose Line is it Anyway? But after this year’s show, I’ll be sure to come back next year.
“If you want to laugh, or just have a good to hours, go to a factory Reset show,” Sawyer said.